Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lovely Coding Club


You think you are looking at a crazy group? Nope, we are Girls Who Code Millbrae Club. We play hard and work hard! We break things and fix them quick!

I’m a engineer at Salesforce and my dream of becoming a teacher led me to teach at Girls Who Code Club. First time getting into the classroom with 20+ middle and high school girls was intimidating.  I was so worried about whether the girls will hate me and walk away. This ended up not happening. We had a great time exploring variables, loops and other computer knowledge by building little fun python projects together. We meet every Saturday and now we are halfway through the semester. The girls are still eager to learn and code!


I can’t express in words how exciting I feel to work with the girls. They are so smart and passionate. I enjoy every aha moment when they shout out excitedly “Aha. I’ve got it!”. That makes me rethink why I got into engineering field at the first place and cherish my current job more.

I have no doubt that there will be a future “Grace Hopper” and “Marissa Mayer” among the girls. Way to go girls. Halfway though. You got it!